This is an overview of how to set up the Conda Environment
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Conda is reuired to install and use FastqToGeneCounts. To install Conda, follow the instructions here.

Creating a Conda Environment

In most cluster environments (i.e., HCC), you must activate the mamba module. This can be done in a terminal as follows:

module load mamba
Component Description
module The module command is used to load, unload, and list modules.
load The load command is used to load a module.
mamba The mamba module is used to activate the mamba environment.

Create the Environment

Once this is done, we can create a new conda environment with the name “snakemake”. This can be done as follows. In a terminal:

mamba create --name=snakemake
Component Description
mamba The mamba command is used to create, update, and remove mamba environments.
create The create command is used to create a new conda environment.
--name=snakemake The –name flag is used to specify the name of the conda environment (snakemake).

Activate the Environment

Once you have created the Snakemake environment, you should activate it with the following command:

mamba activate snakemake

Initializing Mamba

mamba init
source ~/.bashrc  # If you are using bash, otherwise use the appropriate shell
Component Description
mamba The mamba command is used to create, update, and remove mamba environments.
init The init command is used to initialize mamba.
source ~/.bashrc The source command is used to run the commands in the .bashrc file.

Include Additional Channels

From the Conda website on channels:

Channels are the locations where packages are stored. They serve as the base for hosting and managing packages. Conda packages are downloaded from remote channels, which are URLs to directories containing conda packages. The conda [or mamba, in our case] command seraches a default set of channels and packages are automatically downloaded and updated from [these channels].

Because we have additional software required by Snakemake, we must add several channels. These commands only need to be entered once, and you don’t have to be in the conda environment to do so. The following commands will add the channels to your conda configuration file:

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels r

If you get an error during this part, try running the following command:

module load anaconda

Then rerun the conda config... commands. Once this is done, re-load mamba (as it was unloaded during module load anaconda)

module load mamba

Installing software

Install Snakemake and Benchmarking Requirements

Snakemake is required to run the pipeline.

mamba install --name snakemake --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda snakemake python
pip install snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic

We must install tabulate version 0.8.10 as anything under the 0.9.* release causes issues for our current version of Snakemake

Component Description
mamba Use mamba to install additional software more quickly
install The mamba command to install software
--name snakemake The environment to install software into
--channel conda-forge The channel to install software from
--channel bioconda The channel to install software from
snakemake The software to install, defaults to latest version
python The latest version of python
Component Description
pip Use pip to install python-only dependencies
install The pip command to install software
snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic The package required to use profiles in snakemake>=8.0.0

Test Installations

The following command should return a valid number, ideally greater than 7.x. If this is not the case, investigate why a lower version was installed, or open an issue on our GitHub page.

snakemake --version